杭州,简称“杭”,古称临安、钱塘,自古就是人杰地灵人才辈出的地方。同学们杭州名人,看看这些画像,你已经猜到他是谁了吗?没错,这就是大名鼎鼎、精忠报国的岳飞!今天的“杭州文化推介小使者”是来自“国际少年成长营”的李祁同学。他将带我们一同走入岳庙,为我们讲述岳飞传奇!Let’s enjoy!
Hello, everyone. My name is Ricky, from Class 3, Grade 4, Hangzhou Jinghua Primary School. I like reading, programming and roller skating. International Youth&Children’s Campis very interesting. I can learn many things such as Hangzhou delicacy, Hangzhou scenery, Hangzhou folk art and so on. This course not only enables me to learn team cooperation, but also improves my oral English. On March 12th, I became a language service volunteer for the Asian Games. I am very proud and excited. I hope I can have the chance to introduce beautiful scenery and delicious food to foreign friends. I’m looking forward to the Hangzhou Asian Games so much! Thank you!
Here we go! Let’s watch the vlog about the legend of Yue Fei.
亚运期间一定会有许多外国友人来到杭州,来到我们美丽的West Lake游览。漫步在迷人的西湖之滨、繁华的北山街上,一定不要错过杭城的名胜古迹–岳庙,用你们地道的语言向国际朋友们自豪地讲讲民族英雄的故事吧!
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