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FoSE Student Extra-curriculum Programme

作为宁波诺丁汉大学理工学院的主打项目之一,理工学生体验提升项目(Student Extra-curriculum Programme,以下简称为SEP)已经成功举办了三届,并且收获了理工学子们的一致好评。丰富的科研实习项目、核心技能课程等活动为理工学子提供增进技能、拓展知识、提升人文素养的机会中国科学院大学sep,帮助学生打造一个充实的假期生活。










其中,理工学院邀请了图书馆、就业指导办公室的老师、外部资深教练和学术教师一起为同学们带来专业课程,包含信息检索和科研软件工作坊、研究技巧讲座、升学就业指导、 公司访问和解锁潜能的教练课程等。


文化研习和体验 — 格竹3.0






FoSE Student Extra-curriculum Programme for 2022-2023 academic year

The Faculty of Science and Engineering is launching the summer portion of the FoSE Student Extra-curriculum Programme for 2022-2023 academic year. It includes four activity areas:

Undergraduate research placement

The main aim of the undergraduate research placement is to allow students to experience research training with FoSE academics. Students will participate in the placement as volunteers. During the summer 2023, the Faculty will prepare 91 research projects and offer 327 research internships for students to apply for. You can find the project and supervisor list in the email sent by Faculty Office.

External research placement

The Faculty has launched the research placement scheme with external institutes, to provide students more research opportunities with supervisors in other domestic research institutes. This year, there are two external research institutes which will accept students from FoSE, UNNC under this scheme, as follows:

Shenzhen Bay Laboratory (SZBL)

Open to all Year 2-4 students in FoSE

Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica (SIMM)

Open to all Year 2-4 students in CEE

The calls for application of this scheme were already sent separately to students in February with the application deadline of 28 Feb 2023, and we received a decent number of applications for these two programmes. The successful applicants will receive the notifications in due course.

LOCTEK innovation project scheme

This scheme is recently initiated this summer. Students can select an interested project title proposed by LOCTEK. Those students who successfully complete the project will be eligible to apply for LOCTEK Innovation Fund in the 23/24 academic year. Once the project team is allocated, students will be assigned a supervisor from LOCTEK.

Essential skills training

There is a growing need for FoSE students to enrich themselves with additional skills. To address our students’ needs, the essential skills training programme has been developed with three key parts: basic lab equipment training, research skills and further study and career, Python and MATLAB.

During basic lab equipment training, students will be given the opportunity to explore and learn various lab equipment operating skills. The research skills and further study and career for undergraduates will be conducted in collaboration with The Library, Career and Employability Office, professional coach and academic staff in FoSE. Topics covered will include searching for information and reference management, research software, further study and career talks, coaching session, research skill training and company visits. The aim of the basic programming skills is to equip students with basic programming skills, and then apply the skills in a practical project. It will include the training of two subjects: Python and Matlab.

Lab training topics:

Cultural study and experience activities (Gezhu 3.0)

Project Introduction: Inspired by Wang Yangming’s Wanyiwo(玩易窝)and the Yangming Cave where he attained enlightenment, Gezhu 3.0 will invite FoSE students to build small architectural structures in the form of ‘contemporary cultivation’ from recyclable cardboard.

1. Graphic design software, and hand sketching techniques will be learned in the course;

2. The design process will incorporate the ideas of Mr.Wang Yangming to construct the work.

Timeline: 12-18 June, 2023

6.12-6.16: workshop at UNNC

6.16-6.18: the selected 6 students will go to Guizhou for the field trip

If you are interested in any part of the programme, please apply through the QR code below by 4pm on 28 April 2023.

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